Group Project Aims

Critical Tasks:
Literary Research and Explanation

To create a scholarly, annotated edition of a Hispanic literary text studied in class. This edition will allow future readers to understand allusions and references, literary structures, and socio-historical context.

Qualifying editions will be sent to the Antología abierta de literatura hispana. Editions that do not qualify, for instance because the texts are not in the public domain, may be used in future years in SPAN 221.

Students and teachers of Hispanic literary texts (high school and postsecondary).

If a person is coming across your selected text for the first time, what do they need to know in order to have a good understanding of its meaning and significance?

Genre-specific Tips:
Have a look at this video for an introduction to the genre of edición crítica.

Check out examples of critical editions of other texts to see what kind of information they include and how they present it. Are glosses provided in the margins? Is historical context provided in footnotes? Pay particular attention to the format adopted by the current incarnation of the Antología Abierta.

Always keep in mind your audience: future students of SPAN 221 or similar classes. What information do they need to successfully comprehend, analyze, and interpret the text?