Group Project 2023

The group research/editing project will be preparing a critical edition that could form part of the Antología abierta de literatura hispana.

There are 14 in this class, and so two groups of four and two of three. Each group will prepare an entry for one of the following texts:

Please sign up to a text by adding your name in the relevant place on this Google document.

Then see the links on the left of this page for further details about what is expected of you for this project.

You can see examples of previous critical editions produced for this class here.

Ideas for Content

Your critical edition will include the following elements:

  1. An introduction
  2. Information on the work’s original publication
  3. Information on the author
  4. Historical context
  5. Comments on form and style
  6. Explanations of allusions or other references
  7. Definitions of unusual words

Suggestions for Research
Several people on campus can help you get started with research for your critical edition. You and your fellow group members can meet with me (your professor), and also take advantage of the resources at the UBC library. You may want to chat with a librarian or even contact the subject librarian, Susan Atkey

Be sure your information comes from credible sources, and always cite them using MLA style so that future readers can follow your tracks and read what you did if they need more information. Make sure you can assess Internet sources properly and that you avoid plagiarism.


You and your group members will produce your critical text on a shared Google Drive document.

The document should include the original text. Be sure to preserve formatting where it is critical, such as line breaks in poetry, italics in short stories, or block quotes in essays.

Use Google Drive’s footnote function to add critical information. Any information you provide that requires a citation should include an in-text parenthetical citation (see MLA Handbook, Eighth Edition).

Include a Works Cited page at the end of your text that follows MLA Style guidelines. Please include hyperlinks to online sources.