Final Exam 2023

The final exam covers the work we have done over the entire semester, and will take place on June 26, at 8:30am, in Buch B208.

It will be very like the following exams, set in a previous version of this course:

In other words, there will be:

Part I. three short passages taken from the texts we have read, with questions [50%]
Part II. definition of key concepts [20%]
Part III. a short essay [30%]

You may use a (paper/printed) dictionary in this exam. But while you should do your best to ensure that what you write is grammatical, clear, and even stylish, your written Spanish will only be penalized if it is unintelligible.

You may also bring a “cheat sheet” of notes, comprising one side of a piece of standard (Letter size) paper.

Part I. There will be three passages taken from the text we have read. In each case, they will be followed by, first, three short questions (which you should expect to answer with a few sentences each) and, second, a longer question (for which you should expect to write a couple of paragraphs) about the extract and its relationship to the larger work from which it is taken.

Part II. The second part asks you to provide definitions for two concepts that we have discussed over the semester. You should write more or less half a page for each definition (depending on the size of your handwriting, whether you are double-spacing etc.). In each case, you should refer to examples from the texts we have read where this is relevant and/or helpful.

These two concepts will be taken from the following list:

  1. La literatura
  2. La poesía
  3. La narrativa
  4. El ensayo
  5. El drama
  6. La tradición

Part III. The third part is an essay question. You should write more or less 2-3 pages (again, depending on the size of your handwriting, whether you are double-spacing etc.). You should also include concrete and detailed analysis of at least two of the texts we have read. Moreover, these texts should be of different genres: e.g., a poem and a short story; or a short story and a play.

You will have a choice of two essay prompts, which will be taken from the following list:

  1. Compara el tratamiento e imagen de la sexualidad (o el deseo) en por lo menos dos de los textos que hemos leído.
  2. Compara el tratamiento e imagen de la mujer (o las mujeres) en por lo menos dos de los textos que hemos leído.
  3. Compara el manejo o uso del espacio (o la espacialidad) en por lo menos dos de los textos que hemos leído.
  4. Compara el manejo o uso del tiempo (o la temporalidad) en por lo menos dos de los textos que hemos leído.
  5. Compara el manejo o uso de las emociones (o el afecto) en por lo menos dos de los textos que hemos leído.